Travel Diary: The Devon Coast

Every year me, Mum and my niece go down to Devon for a few days and this year was no exception. With a few days extra on our hands, we had a little more time to explore our local surroundings a little more and we left the car at home (well, at where we stayed)…

Bryant Park, New York revisited

Okay, so in my wrap up about my favourite things about New York  back in January, number one in my list was the gorgeous Bryant Park. To be perfectly honest, this place really hasn’t left my thoughts since I came home in December and I cannot wait for the day when I can return there, Le…

Autumnal Frolics

Autumn is great isn’t it?! it’s a season where temperatures drop, hot chocolate everyday becomes acceptable (it really does) and you can justify long, snuggly nights watching films and TV box sets. In summery, you can hibernate and it’s ok! Far from hibernation mode, I ventured for the first time to Westonbirt last weekend. The…

Cake & Bake Show

Anyone who knows me knows that Christmas hampers are my thing, I love baking a cake but I can give or take eating it, I love baking but presentation wise, my skills are poor. They also know that Great British Bake Off is my utmost favourite autumn show (and Downton is a close, clooooose, contender)…

Cocktails at 1801..

Swindon and it’s nightlife is separated into two distinctive categories. Town and Old Town. You avoid Town like the plague and almost anyone with sense flocks to the bars of Old Town. These bars and restaurants are rammed on a weekend and the atmosphere in Old Town and in particular, Wood Street, is vibrant, loud,…

Being 26.. a reflection

This time last year, I landed in Los Angeles, turning 26 the next day, I spent my 26th birthday being serenaded by a Drag Queen named Sunshine and drinking shots in West Hollywood’s gay bars. The next day I went to an outdoor cinema showing of Purple Rain in the Hollywood Forever Cemetary, I should…

A Great British Summer Holiday

We all love a trip to the beach, even if you don’t like the idea of the beach (like some people I know) the thought of being by the sea on a nice sunny day is enough to provoke even the happiest of memories from those who despise sand. Devon, for the past three years…

Glastonbury 2015

It’s been nearly a week since I came home with no feeling in my feet and a head full of beautiful memories. I always think that Glasto is the sort of festival that cannot possibly improve on the previous one you went to and every time I am pleasantly surprised that it just keeps better…

2014, where did you go?!

This year has practically whizzed by in a flash. I remember being sat in the same place last year writing a reflection on 2013 and now I’ve blinked and I have done it again! This year I resolved to do things because I wanted to and to say yes more, this has and hasn’t happened….

To the Spa!

Annnnnnd relax. The best thing about old friends is picking up where you left off, it’s like there isn’t a million miles between you and you could go weeks without even uttering an hello to one another, but as soon as you’re all within the vicinity, well it all gets a bit silly really. This…

My German Adventure – Part 1/3

Stanstead to Nuremberg. So, it’s a little late for this, since it’s now June and this trip took place back in February – I admit that I am terrible, forgive me. Mid way through February, myself, Laura and Mel toddled off to Nuremberg to visit the wonderful Jessica who had just finished her internship with…